“Prior to Echo Healthcare’s MeLiSA program, we had all of our simulators covered under the manufacturer’s warranty. We decided to switch to MeLiSA which allowed us significant cost savings. The onboarding process was simple and they answer right away when I call. We have good coverage at a reasonable price and work with knowledgeable people who are always there to help. They know simulators and this is reassuring for us as our multiple site structure makes it difficult for me to be everywhere.”
Michele Stearns
Simulation Program Director

“The Immersive Interactive room goes beyond creating environments for running scenarios. It is also being used for creating quizzes so that we can build teamwork & improve communication between the students – something that is difficult to do in a classroom environment. And the students reaction and assessments using the Lifecast manikins have been more detailed then ever before. We love our Immersive room and our Lifecast manikins!”
Dion Schultz
Alabama EMS Region One Director

“Thank you for making such great products and providing even better customer service! You all are leap years ahead of your competitors.”
Matthew Troutman
Education Coordinator

“Our Montana HOSA members, State Advisor and our Competitive Events Director were all very impressed with Echo’s Immersive Interactive system at the new medical school in Billings, MT. We had a great experience with it!”
Bobby Crandall
Chief Solutions Officer

“We are very happy with our Immersive rooms! And much of our ambulance rides are now suspended for the next three months so we will be doing lots more sims! Your immersive rooms have been priceless in preparing the students. Thank you!”
Jason Hums
EMT/Paramedic Program Director

“The MeLiSA service delivers tech support in a very timely, knowledgeable and professional way. My staff are noticeably less stressed!”
Jeff Dawes
Clinical Simulation Learning Centre Manager

“We have absolutely loved having the MeLiSA program for our simulators. Having the capability of being able to call and actually talk to a person that can see what we are doing and be able to help is priceless.”
Kelli Hembree
Coordinator for Center of Medical Simulation

“Our Practical Nursing students are amazed by the realism of our new Lifecast manikins!”
Jennifer Simpson
ELPN Program