Male Torso with Bleeding Wounds


SKU: TraumaSim-LIC-001

TraumaSim’s Male Torso with Bleeding Wounds is designed to allow learners to demonstrate and practice management of critical wounds to the chest, abdomen and groin. These confronting skills can now be simulated in a controlled environment and allows trainees to become competent under the guidance of a trained trainer. This realistic and reactive trainer is a critical training aid for any professional delivering lifesaving first aid training. Allow students and providers to train repeatedly and gain confidence and competence by using these durable, easy-to-use and realistic training units.


TraumaSim’s Lifecast Male Torso with Bleeding Wounds is designed to allow users to demonstrate and practice management of critical wounds to the chest, abdomen and groin. These confronting skills can now be simulated in a controlled environment and allows trainees to become competent under the guidance of a trained trainer.

The 3 simulated wounds have individual blood delivery systems for controlled bleeding. To simulate bleeding during skills training, the syringes can be compressed and the artificial blood will flow through the wounds the trainer has chosen for the simulation. TraumaSim recommends using Ben Nye Stage blood diluted: 1 part blood to 3 parts water.

Included Wounds:
• Chest gunshot entry
• Sub-diaphragmatic stab wound
• Large open femoral wound

This unit is a critical training aid for any professional delivering lifesaving first aid training. Allowing students to train repeatedly and gain confidence and competence by using these durable, easy to use realistic units. This training aid was designed by the Australian Queensland Police force and has been proven to have saved over 90 civilian lives

All of TraumaSim’s Training Aids are hand painted and some variation in painting style should be expected.

6 different skin tones are available with units made to order. 

• 1 x Male Torso with 3 Bleeding Wounds
• 3 x 50ml syringe
• 3 x 6-6mm tubing
• 1 x 500ml stage blood
• User guide

Additional information

Male Torso with Bleeding Wounds How to Video

Click to Watch: